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Chiropractic Adjustment

For existing patients only

New Practice Member with Stress Response Evaluation - €165.00

For new patients only

1 hour appointment, included: consultation, health history, brain based chiropractic exam, computerized posture exam, Neuroinfiniti Stress Response Evaluation and second report of findings visit. If you would like a chiropractic adjustment on first visit you can decide that at time of appointment and is €60 more.

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Terms & Conditions

If you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment, please do so 48 hours in advance for first visit appointment and report of findings appointments and 24 hours notice for regular visits to avoid cancellation fees. First visit appointment and report of findings appointments cancellation fee is €50 and regular visits fee is €20.

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You will receive an appointment confirmation email with details of your booking. We look forward to seeing you in the clinic.

Booking Summary

Appointment Type



Dafne Jimenez Perez

Date & Time


Payment Amount
